Bouquet Service

Bushel & A Peck offers a bouquet service that provides you with a gorgeous, seasonal bouquet that is delievered to your home or office.

Petite Bouquet Service

Petite Bouquet Service

from $25.00

Furnish someone you love with a fresh, seasonal and hand tied bouquet delivered to your home or office. The Bouquet Service can be purchased for three, six, nine or twelve months.

Flowers will be delivered to a location of your choosing and will include a description of the bouquet as well as care instructions.

An email will be sent to confirm your purchase and determine which months you would like to receive your subscriptions in!

You have the option to pay monthly or pay in full! If you choose to pay monthly, you will be charged for the first month and then receive an email to setup your reoccurring payments!

Number of Months:
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